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Game Name : Resident Evil
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2002-04-21 20:29:35
Views : 46196

Infinite grenade ammunition
Equip the Grenade Launcher with any type of ammunition, then take Flame Rounds from an Item Box. Open the Item Box again and put the Flame Rounds back into it. On the Item Box Inventory screen, highlight the slot with the Flame Rounds and press A. The pointer will jump to the Grenade Launcher slot. Press A to get 456 Flame Rounds. Note: This can also be done with other types of grenade ammunition.

New background and alternate costume
Successfully complete the game with Jill or Chris and save the game. A new background will appear on the main menu. Select the "Once Again" option when playing your completed saved game. You may now choose new difficulty settings for the replay. You will also get a key that will allow the character that completed the game to have a new costume. Enter the room with the large mirror on the second floor of the mansion. Unlock the door in the back. Enter the closet and move all the way to the end of the rack of clothes. A message asking "There is an outfit that fits you perfectly, do you want to put it on?" will appear. Select "Yes" to change your character's clothes. Complete the game again to unlock a second costume.

Samurai Edge weapon
Successfully complete the game with Jill or Chris with a time less than five hours. Save the game at the end, then start a new game to begin with the Samurai Edge weapon.

Rocket Launcher with infinite ammunition
Successfully complete the game with Jill or Chris with a time less than three hours. Save the game at the end, then start a new game to begin with the Rocket Launcher with infinite ammunition.

Bonus option, costumes, and weapons
Successfully complete the game in "Once Again" mode on the normal difficulty setting with a time less than five hours. This unlocks the "Real Survivor" option (item boxes do not transfer items to each other), the .40 Smith and Wesson gun with infinite ammunition (replaces the combat knife in a new game), and bonus costumes. Additionally, the aiming system will be manual. If the game was completed using Jill, the bonus costume will be her outfit from Resident Evil 3.

Invisible Enemy option
Successfully complete the game two times with Jill or Chris to unlock the "Invisible Enemy" option. All enemies will be transparent in this mode.

One Dangerous Zombie option
Successfully complete the game with both Jill and Chris once to unlock the "One Dangerous Zombie" option.

Special Features option
Successfully complete the game in "Invisible Enemy" mode with a time less than five hours to unlock a "Special Features" option that displays a message from the game developers and a gallery of pre-production costumes.

Infinite grenade ammunition
Equip the Grenade Launcher with any type of ammunition, then take Flame Rounds from an Item Box. Open the Item Box again and put the Flame Rounds back into it. On the Item Box Inventory screen, highlight the slot with the Flame Rounds and press A. The pointer will jump to the Grenade Launcher slot. Press A to get 456 Flame Rounds. Note: This can also be done with other types of grenade ammunition.

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